Well, not quite yet, but very soon...ya see, they said the check's comin' in the mail...
Its all about the journey not the destination my little space cadets.

From Mira Mesa,Ca.,Popular Hobo News & Entertainment is a candid multimedia exploitation of the local hobos with news reports,stories,editorials, gossip and the issues and events they contend with and much more. PARENTAL GUIDANCE is advised here due to the high probability that gutter-mouthed hobos will often say vulgar/profane stuff...
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Extending The Life Of Your Disposable Razors
Even before I became homeless I had devised a method to get more than one or two shaves out of the cheapest disposable razors. It works like magic and it takes only seconds.Even YOU can do this!
(I feel I need to hype/promote this message because there are some low wattage folks on the
internet who will think this some theoretical discussion.)
I like those 20-for-$1.90 razors from Big Lots. They don't get much cheaper than that (price wise). By far the cheapest quality razors ever made are the ones they hand out in county jail. But no matter where it comes from, my method works to extend the life of the razor. Everyone I know used disposables and they all just throw them out after one use.
How much beer $$$ are they wasting spending it on new razors?
Its time for me buy a new bag-o-razors but this morning, as you can see in the video,
I squeezed one more shave out of two used razors that I'd used at least twice before.
First of all
while you're shaving with a new blade,
keep the razor head clean by tapping it on the sink and rinsing it out every 15 strokes or so.
Don't just drag/rake a razor across your skin over and over until its clogged and then toss it away
thinking the blade is dull. Hey, are you a retard!!? Its not dull-its clogged with crap, so clean it out!
After you're finished shaving, again clean the razor head. I use a
soft toothbrush and making gentle sweeps beneath the blade(s) loosens
the stubble/hair trapped inside.
I get three shaves min.
from my razors.
Upgrading With Lights and Sirens...
Once I get the POPULAR HOBO NEWS & ENTERTAINMENT blog's web page looking right
with built in looping gif. and audio effects of emergency alert signals, I'll go ahead and register with the FCC as an OFFICIAL NEWS BROADCAST STATION.
That way, whenever we have some sort of major county-wide catastrophe such as a 2 mile diameter sized asteroid on target to crash into Mission Bay, an attack by Al Quada, a new Swine Flu epidemic, a new busload of downtown-pesky-and-hostile, heroin-addicted hobos invading Mira Mesa to panhandle, or a big ole' mid-western sized thunderstorm with 15 tornados, grapefruit-sized hail stones, rainfall so intense you need a scuba tank just to walk outside or god forbid, another manic psychotic meltdown episode from Chris White (which, unless he finds a new dope dealer very soon, is highly probable within the next 30 days), the local citizenry can just visit my blog and they'll have all the latest NEWS REPORTS presented to them with little police sirens flashing and easy to follow instructions on where to hide and what to bring with you to be safe!!
See that video loop...Today I slapped together this little POPULAR HOBO SPECIAL REPORT video animation to test out. This is a test of THE EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM...This is only a test. If this were an actual emergency, you would know it because all the television and radio news reporters would be
messing their diapers and most of these local police/rescue personnel would be tied up in traffic on Mira Mesa Blvd. somewhere. You would be on your own to try and figure out WTF to do!!
Just a few weeks ago when the city decided to tear up the intersection at Mira Mesa Blvd.& Blck Mt. Rd. to install new wheelchair ramps (there were ramps installed there 10 yrs ago btw), the entire town of Mira Mesa became an extremely risky place to be! Anarchy was looming...civil unrest was boiling... public safety health and safety was fleeting...Mira Mesa was ripe for a revolutionary war to errupt right there at the Am/Pm on Saturday morning. Why? Because society was unprepared /unwarned about the construction work and were not ready to be stuck in traffic gridlock in the area for the extra 20 or ao minutes required to move down the Blvd. Local gov. officials fucked up by not
preceding the work with at least two full weeks of marketing/display ads and huge road signs notifying folks of the project and effected days. Its typically city or state gobment that precipitates
and facilitates anarchy and public outrage. Civil war could have popped off!
I have a lady friend of mine who's married with a family and a good professional city gobment job downtown. She works 6 days/wk. and she was intending to meet me at Starbucks early Sat. morning on her way to work. She arrived very late and when she drove up to me in her car, she was screaming and cussing like I've never heard her before to someone on the phone about the traffic jam on Mira Mesa Blvd. She was talking to the SDPD Dispatcher. I heard her say "If you don't get some cops out here to direct traffic, there's gonna be people getting shot and run over out here...there 's going to be a fucking riot out here soon!!" Later that day I saw three incidents of road rage and one had spilled all the way into the liquor store.
There was a situation that I could have helped to alleviate in several ways. If I had been properly notifed by the SDPD or the City Traffic Dept. of the project I could have not only posted a few news reports about it, but i could have organized a HOBO SAFETY PATROL/ TRAFFIC SIGNAL TASK FORCE UNIT. As the Chief Unit Commander, I'd have recruited 5 or 6 of the finest local hobos around. We'd first raid the Fed Ex Office store's dumpster to get lots of sign making materials and make a bunch of "STOP" and "GO" signs. I'd assign hobos to each intersection to direct traffic all day....of course to get a hobo to do anything all day long, you gotta have a steady supply of beer and cigarettes on hand. Because old David Mick is blind in one eye and can't see too well out of his good eye, I'd probably assign him to operate the Task Force Unit Beer/Cigarette Command Center at the
crows nest where we like to drink beer. Btw, I've already got a police traffic whistle I found in the dumpster plus a couple day-glo colored shirts made for working in precisely these dangerous situations.
You see, one thing about hobos, especially myself-- when danger happens and panic strickens those closest to the situation, they(we) don't run away to seek sanctuary from it. Generally speaking, most hobos actually enjoy anarchy, danger and public panic because to them its entertaining to see folks with lots of valuable stuff, new stuff and stuff to make their lives more comfy, suddenly realize that their stuff is useless to them when shit's running amuck.I suppose many hobos feel that way out of envy and that's sick. I don't find dangerous events,tragedy or even traffic jams to be entertaining myself but rather for me its a chance to do some work for a change.
Anyway, I'm gonna dig up some sound effects... ocean liner fog horn, tornado siren, ambulance siren,
air raid siren, woman screaming and build a bunch more flashing police car lights and other animated stuff and build some animated banners to use in my blog. Don't worry, I'm not gonna turn this place into disco light show or carnival. I don't wanna overload your senses nor give the impression of s circus party. No, this blog is a serious investigative jouralist's MULTIMEDIA NEWS CENTER.
with built in looping gif. and audio effects of emergency alert signals, I'll go ahead and register with the FCC as an OFFICIAL NEWS BROADCAST STATION.
That way, whenever we have some sort of major county-wide catastrophe such as a 2 mile diameter sized asteroid on target to crash into Mission Bay, an attack by Al Quada, a new Swine Flu epidemic, a new busload of downtown-pesky-and-hostile, heroin-addicted hobos invading Mira Mesa to panhandle, or a big ole' mid-western sized thunderstorm with 15 tornados, grapefruit-sized hail stones, rainfall so intense you need a scuba tank just to walk outside or god forbid, another manic psychotic meltdown episode from Chris White (which, unless he finds a new dope dealer very soon, is highly probable within the next 30 days), the local citizenry can just visit my blog and they'll have all the latest NEWS REPORTS presented to them with little police sirens flashing and easy to follow instructions on where to hide and what to bring with you to be safe!!
See that video loop...Today I slapped together this little POPULAR HOBO SPECIAL REPORT video animation to test out. This is a test of THE EMERGENCY BROADCAST SYSTEM...This is only a test. If this were an actual emergency, you would know it because all the television and radio news reporters would be
messing their diapers and most of these local police/rescue personnel would be tied up in traffic on Mira Mesa Blvd. somewhere. You would be on your own to try and figure out WTF to do!!
Just a few weeks ago when the city decided to tear up the intersection at Mira Mesa Blvd.& Blck Mt. Rd. to install new wheelchair ramps (there were ramps installed there 10 yrs ago btw), the entire town of Mira Mesa became an extremely risky place to be! Anarchy was looming...civil unrest was boiling... public safety health and safety was fleeting...Mira Mesa was ripe for a revolutionary war to errupt right there at the Am/Pm on Saturday morning. Why? Because society was unprepared /unwarned about the construction work and were not ready to be stuck in traffic gridlock in the area for the extra 20 or ao minutes required to move down the Blvd. Local gov. officials fucked up by not
preceding the work with at least two full weeks of marketing/display ads and huge road signs notifying folks of the project and effected days. Its typically city or state gobment that precipitates
and facilitates anarchy and public outrage. Civil war could have popped off!
I have a lady friend of mine who's married with a family and a good professional city gobment job downtown. She works 6 days/wk. and she was intending to meet me at Starbucks early Sat. morning on her way to work. She arrived very late and when she drove up to me in her car, she was screaming and cussing like I've never heard her before to someone on the phone about the traffic jam on Mira Mesa Blvd. She was talking to the SDPD Dispatcher. I heard her say "If you don't get some cops out here to direct traffic, there's gonna be people getting shot and run over out here...there 's going to be a fucking riot out here soon!!" Later that day I saw three incidents of road rage and one had spilled all the way into the liquor store.
There was a situation that I could have helped to alleviate in several ways. If I had been properly notifed by the SDPD or the City Traffic Dept. of the project I could have not only posted a few news reports about it, but i could have organized a HOBO SAFETY PATROL/ TRAFFIC SIGNAL TASK FORCE UNIT. As the Chief Unit Commander, I'd have recruited 5 or 6 of the finest local hobos around. We'd first raid the Fed Ex Office store's dumpster to get lots of sign making materials and make a bunch of "STOP" and "GO" signs. I'd assign hobos to each intersection to direct traffic all day....of course to get a hobo to do anything all day long, you gotta have a steady supply of beer and cigarettes on hand. Because old David Mick is blind in one eye and can't see too well out of his good eye, I'd probably assign him to operate the Task Force Unit Beer/Cigarette Command Center at the
crows nest where we like to drink beer. Btw, I've already got a police traffic whistle I found in the dumpster plus a couple day-glo colored shirts made for working in precisely these dangerous situations.
You see, one thing about hobos, especially myself-- when danger happens and panic strickens those closest to the situation, they(we) don't run away to seek sanctuary from it. Generally speaking, most hobos actually enjoy anarchy, danger and public panic because to them its entertaining to see folks with lots of valuable stuff, new stuff and stuff to make their lives more comfy, suddenly realize that their stuff is useless to them when shit's running amuck.I suppose many hobos feel that way out of envy and that's sick. I don't find dangerous events,tragedy or even traffic jams to be entertaining myself but rather for me its a chance to do some work for a change.
Anyway, I'm gonna dig up some sound effects... ocean liner fog horn, tornado siren, ambulance siren,
air raid siren, woman screaming and build a bunch more flashing police car lights and other animated stuff and build some animated banners to use in my blog. Don't worry, I'm not gonna turn this place into disco light show or carnival. I don't wanna overload your senses nor give the impression of s circus party. No, this blog is a serious investigative jouralist's MULTIMEDIA NEWS CENTER.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Salute to The Gang @ FedEx Office Store Mira Mesa!!
They're located between the CVS and Albertsons in that shopping center @ Westview Prkwy. & Mira Mesa Blvd. (formerly Kinko's). What in the world does a hobo use or need from a Fed Ex Office store, you may ask?
Well, as I digress here, prior to me starting my blog project (Popular Hobo News & Entertainment), I had discovered that the Fed Ex Office store's dumpster has all sorts of useful trash/scraps for creating nice and sturdy hobo panhandling signs (ie."Homeless Please Help" etc.). Nice clean smooth white slabs of foam board are left over scraps from their sign printing/cutting service they offer and this stuff is ideal for making effective hobo signs as well. They also offer laminating for signs/posters they print and so there are scraps pieces of sturdy thick PVC laminate film in their dumpster as well.
Some of the film is wide enough and long enough to craft/fabricate stuff with. I've used this laminate film to make fast and useful protective covers for my suitcase and back pack when it rains, for example. I'm also collecting/saving up the big wide sheets to build something very cool and quite ambitious one day.
Jeez...now I'm gonna get far off topic...I'm gonna use it to build myself a little house to live in. :p
Its gonna have two bedrooms, one office, one door and a garage for my shopping cart. No kitchen, no bathrooms, no wood burning fireplaces nor a heated jacuzzi. It'll have 110V AC power in each room. I'll be cooking via microwave oven and crock pot, coffee maker. Of course, a refrigerator/freezer, electric cooling fans/heaters, ceiling and desk lights as well as outdoor security lighting /surveillance cameras, boogieman-alert sirens, and lots of advanced innovative security/protection technologies that use mid-evil strategies along with space age tech. to thwart and repel boogiemen, intruders and rodents (such as Chris White). Since its clear plastic, I wont need any windows, just some vent holes. The only problem I anticipate is not how to design/build it but rather where to put my little house.
Once its built, its not going to be portable or collapsible so its gotta be in a splot whewre no one will mess with it...no dogs chewing on it, no gang of brown landscapers shredding it with their 6 AM gas powered weed wackers, no kids playing inside it etc.etc.
Its really improbable that my little house will last for more than a day once I build it. So I'm thinking of just building the damn thing and taking some photos if it before Chris White runs over it on his wanna-be Harley bicycle or before the other hobos steal it.
Okay. Back on topic...
When I first started my blog, I'd post up in front of the CVS or behind the Fed Ex Office store where there's both a strong WiFi signal and a 110v AC outlet.I'd sit on the ground or on a storage crate and write and edit content for hours. Btw, take a good look at the photo I'm using as my background image for this blog. That's me busy at work at 1AM sitting on a wooden crate beside the Fed Ex Office dumpster pen. My "news desk" is two storage crates and a piece of cardboard as my desktop. As you can see, I've got my Macbook plugged into a long extension cord and I have ample office lighting. What more could I possibly need!!?? :)
Well I suspect after seeing me working there a few times, the Fed Ex employees decided that maybe I'd be more safe and comfy if I worked inside at one of their computer stations. So one night, Shay the Assistant Mgr saw me working outside next to the CVS and she came over and invited me come inside the store and work. I was surprised by her invitation. It was very cold that night as I recall but I politely declined her offer because I didn't want to impose upon them (dragging my hand truck with my suitcase and all my hobo crap inside there.)
A couple days later however I did go inside and I spoke with Shay and she said she'd heard that I was a nice and respectable hobo!! How could that be, I wondered? Must be somebody starting a rumor...hmmmmm.
Well, I'd met her co-worker, Issac, a few days before when he saw me working behind the store.I'd also seen a couple of the female employees as they were putting trash in the dumpster late at night on a few occasions. As you can imagine, when a lone female steps outside the back door of her workplace into the dark lonely ally carrying a huge bag of trash to the dumpster, the last thing she expects to encounter is the Popular Hobo sitting there beside the dumpster busy at work at his
news desk!! I'm sure these females were terrified... well maybe not, but at least concerned. So rather than just sit there working and projecting a scary boogieman /stalker profile, I greeted each one with a friendly Hello and then I grabbed my flashlight and held the doors open for them to dispose of the trash. They thanked me each time and chatted with me for a moment before going back inside which indicated to me that their fears/worries were probably dissolved.
One night Issac came out while I was working and handed me a big hot steak sandwich he bought from the sandwich shop and I thought that was very cool!
So when I spoke with Shay, she invited me again to work inside the store at their computer station and so I did. Its nice to feel welcomed in any store/shop whether you're a hobo or a Fortune 500 exec**.
After my Macbook was stolen Shay let me use one of their PC's to get online for awhile.
That's the sort of excellent service that stands out above most other retail shops/services.
All in all, the employees at this store are as nice and helpful as can be and they take pride in their work. I notice how they work with their customers to give them the best service possible and that's vital to their success and they know that.
Thank you Shay, Issac and the rest of the crew!
**I've been a Fortune 500 exec. as well as a small business owner/contract engineer. With over 20 yrs of prof. experience in
Quality, I know a few things about the topic of customer service. Just wanted to put that out there so folks don't discount my
praise of this place out of hand simply because of my hobo situation.
Fleeing FromThis Crime Spree/North Park ASAP!!
Okay, okay...its not even April yet and I've already exceeded my entire annual allotment worth of
priceless "safe keeping/protection" granted to me by the good Lord above and now its time for
me to flee from this high risk zone of mortal terror, imminent danger and lawlessness known
as North Park before I add any more to the recorded/documented crime statistics for 2013.
BTW, I'm not still whining and carrying on about the recent theft of my Macbook containing over
$1500 worth of software and over 30Gb of my copyright customized photographic and music
content from the sidewalk in front of Starbucks @ 2899 University Ave.
That was breaking news two weeks ago, and yes, I'm still pissed about it but I'm here today to
bring you what it is you came to read about...
BRAND NEW BREAKING NEWS OF REAL, TRUE, FRESH, BONE CHILLING,HEART RACING, HOBO TERROR AND SUSPENSE presented in the raw gritty unfiltered unrestrained style that
you would expect an emotionally charged witness/victim of yet another vicious attack by local
Last night while walking back to the apartment from the Filter Coffee shop in Hillcrest three latio/black kids (18 -20 yrs old) began following me as I walked from past Texas Ave. up University Ave toward 30th St.They began hollering and taunting me as they walked faster to catch up to me.After I stopped twice and told them not to fuck with me they began to throw rocks and cans at me, striking me in the back
and legs a few times. I kept my cool and just kept walking.
I didn't warn them that I was carrying a can of pepper spray in my fist and nor did I mention that the
16" butcher knife in my shirt sleeve was as sharp as a razor. My goal was NOT to defend myself with these tools but to try and to get home to the apt. without any problems.
Before walking up to the apt. I pulled out my cel phpne and dialled 911 in hopes that they would
leave before the cops came. They did run. And then I went up to the apt. Suddenly as I was about to go inside they all ran up toward me as if they were going to either try to beat me up/take my computer or perhaps go into the apt. I pounded onthe wall of the building and began yelling for people to
WAKE UP WE HAVE A PROBLEM OUTSIDE HERE!! As porch lights came on and people started to move around inside their apts the punks ran like cockroaches!!
I told the neightbors what had happened and apologized for waking them up at 1245am. Of Uncle Bill
whom I'm staying with didn't get up at all but instead just started yelling at me when I went inside for waking him up. Asshole.
And so there you have the story...my last such episode I'll be reporting about from this fucking dangerous
crime scene called North Park.
I'm leaving here and either going to a hotel or back to MM asap! I may go into a rehab place
next week but I've said that several times before and it never happens.
priceless "safe keeping/protection" granted to me by the good Lord above and now its time for
me to flee from this high risk zone of mortal terror, imminent danger and lawlessness known
as North Park before I add any more to the recorded/documented crime statistics for 2013.
BTW, I'm not still whining and carrying on about the recent theft of my Macbook containing over
$1500 worth of software and over 30Gb of my copyright customized photographic and music
content from the sidewalk in front of Starbucks @ 2899 University Ave.
That was breaking news two weeks ago, and yes, I'm still pissed about it but I'm here today to
bring you what it is you came to read about...
BRAND NEW BREAKING NEWS OF REAL, TRUE, FRESH, BONE CHILLING,HEART RACING, HOBO TERROR AND SUSPENSE presented in the raw gritty unfiltered unrestrained style that
you would expect an emotionally charged witness/victim of yet another vicious attack by local
Last night while walking back to the apartment from the Filter Coffee shop in Hillcrest three latio/black kids (18 -20 yrs old) began following me as I walked from past Texas Ave. up University Ave toward 30th St.They began hollering and taunting me as they walked faster to catch up to me.After I stopped twice and told them not to fuck with me they began to throw rocks and cans at me, striking me in the back
and legs a few times. I kept my cool and just kept walking.
I didn't warn them that I was carrying a can of pepper spray in my fist and nor did I mention that the
16" butcher knife in my shirt sleeve was as sharp as a razor. My goal was NOT to defend myself with these tools but to try and to get home to the apt. without any problems.
Before walking up to the apt. I pulled out my cel phpne and dialled 911 in hopes that they would
leave before the cops came. They did run. And then I went up to the apt. Suddenly as I was about to go inside they all ran up toward me as if they were going to either try to beat me up/take my computer or perhaps go into the apt. I pounded onthe wall of the building and began yelling for people to
WAKE UP WE HAVE A PROBLEM OUTSIDE HERE!! As porch lights came on and people started to move around inside their apts the punks ran like cockroaches!!
I told the neightbors what had happened and apologized for waking them up at 1245am. Of Uncle Bill
whom I'm staying with didn't get up at all but instead just started yelling at me when I went inside for waking him up. Asshole.
And so there you have the story...my last such episode I'll be reporting about from this fucking dangerous
crime scene called North Park.
I'm leaving here and either going to a hotel or back to MM asap! I may go into a rehab place
next week but I've said that several times before and it never happens.
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